Second Doses Administered To Some In Phase 1 Target Group

Second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were administered to some in phase 1 target group this week as Adair County’s case total reaches 1,938. On Monday, 600 people received their second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at the Health Department’s drive through at the NEMO Fairgrounds. Today, the remaining 500 will receive their second dose. Health Department administrator Jim LeBaron, thanked the community partners who are assisting in the major undertaking. Another event for Phase 1 target groups will happen on January 27th. Lebaron says the vaccine administration is not open to the public.

The Health Department confirmed 24 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday and another 11 cases yesterday. There are103 active cases, 1,820 people who have left isolation and 15 COVID-related deaths.

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