Regional Vaccine Drive-Through Registration Open

The Adair County Health Department is working with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the Missouri National Guard and other health departments and healthcare providers in the region on a mass vaccination drive-through scheduled for Wednesday, February. 10th, at the NEMO Fairgrounds.

More than 2,000 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be available that day. All Phase 1A and 1B, Tier 1 and Tier 2, target groups may register for the event. Those include adults age 65 and older and high-risk individuals. Target groups also include long-term and residential care workers, hospital and healthcare workers, and emergency workers.

Those residents who have emailed the Adair County Health Department but have not been called for a vaccine yet are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Register online with the link provided on the Adair County Health Department’s Facebook page and website.

Those Adair County residents who do not have internet access can call the Health Department at one of the 3 following numbers: 660-665-8491, 660-730-6100 or 660-730-6200.

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