Adair County COVID-19 Cases and CDC Guideline Update

The Adair County Health Department confirmed three new cases of COVID-19 yesterday. There are 2,333 total cases with 18 currently active. The three cases confirmed involve females ages 9, 21 and 28 with one in the K-12 schools sector.

As Adair County has fully vaccinated more than 2,000 people and providers continue to vaccinate more, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released updated interim guidelines for those who have received any of the three COVID-19 vaccines. A person is “fully vaccinated,” two weeks or longer after the second dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines and two weeks or longer after administration of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine. Those individuals can visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or maintaining social distance. Jim LeBaron, administrator of the Adair County Health Department advises that people gathering from multiple households still pose a risk, and all precautions still need to be practiced if members of multiple households who are not fully vaccinated are involved.
LeBaron said the vaccines are a first step toward normalcy, but until everyone is vaccinated, people still need to be careful.

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