State May Offer Incentives to Get COVID Vaccine

With COVID-19 cases rising in Missouri, and concern that variants will speed up the spread, Governor Mike Parson is looking into the possibility of offering vaccine incentives. Parson met with the Department of Health and Senior Services to discuss the idea. Parson said he hopes to make a public announcement after the holiday weekend. As of July 2nd, 39.2 percent of residents are fully vaccinated and 44.6 percent have initiated the process. The state’s older population is getting vaccinated at a higher rate than younger people, according to DHSS data; 72.8 percent of the 65- to 74-year-old population is fully vaccinated, whereas 34 percent of the 25-34 age group is. Parson said young people in particular need to understand the severity of COVID-19 and its grip on the state.

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