Adair County Records 33rd COVID-Related Death as Case Count Nears 3,500

The Adair County Health Department confirmed another COVID-related death yesterday – a previously reported 64-year-old female. She was admitted to Boone Hospital Sept. 2 and discharged to hospice care Sept. 22. She passed away Sept. 24. There have been 33 deaths in Adair County. 12 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed since Friday. The overall case count is now 3,492 with 61 active cases, 3,398 people who have left isolation.

Yesterday’s cases involve females ages 19, 27, 43, and 74, and males ages 9 months, 4, 21, 31, 33, 34, 51 and 65. Four reside at addresses with at least one other positive case. One is in the higher education sector, and one is a breakthrough case. Among the active cases as of Friday, Sept. 24, 50% were among residents ages 0 to 30, and 33% of active cases were among those in the K-12 schools sector.

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