Campaign aims to reduce underage alcohol consumption

The NEMO Drug-Free Communities Taskforce is working to raise awareness about the dangers of underage alcohol consumption and what people can do to help reduce it. The Taskforce is taking advantage of the number of teens and adults who attend the NEMO Fair in Kirksville to spread the word about how to “Summer Responsibly.” The Taskforce works to reduce youth alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drug use in Adair and surrounding counties. This week, members of the Taskforce will be getting the word out using banners and signs placed throughout the NEMO Fairgrounds, including at the gates, show barns, and campground. Research shows the earlier kids try alcohol or another substance, the more likely they are to become addicted. The goal of “Summer Responsibly” is to encourage community members and parents to do their part by not providing alcohol or other substances to minors.

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