Mayor recognizes Water and Wastewaster Professionals

Kirksville Mayor Zac Burden signed a proclamation recognizing Water and Wastewater Professionals Week in Missouri, which lasts between September 10 and 16, 2023.
Water and wastewater professionals maintain and operate the infrastructure facilities and services that are vital to sustainable and resilient communities, public health, high quality of life and the wellbeing of all. Communities rely on water and wastewater professionals to maintain service through extreme weather events such as drought, flooding, ice storms and many more.
The Kirksville Water Treatment Plant draws water from Forest Lake and Hazel Creek Lake and turns it into safe and drinkable water. Kirksville goes through roughly 2.4 million gallons of water per day.
The Kirksville Wastewater Treatment Plant processes water from homes and businesses to remove waste and other pollutants. The plant treats roughly two million gallons of water per day.
This week is a unique opportunity for these professionals and the communities they serve to join together and recognize the vital role water and wastewater professionals play in our daily lives.

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