The City of Kirksville is planning smoke testing on the sanitary sewer lines in several areas during the week of November 11. These tests involve blowing harmless smoke into parts of the sewer system to find damage, improper connections, and where unwanted water may be entering the sewer system. As a result, smoke may be seen coming from roof vents, building foundations, catch basins, clean-outs, downspouts, sewer laterals, or manhole covers. The smoke will not enter your home or business if it is properly plumbed, vented, and the water traps contain water. If you have a bathroom or plumbing fixture that is not used or is seldom used, traps should be filled by running water in the fixtures the day before scheduled smoke testing. Water can evaporate from unused plumbing fixtures and sewer gases can enter the home. Water should be added every month thereafter to prevent sewer gas from entering the home or office. Your presence is not required during the tests.