Kirksville doing water service line inventory project

The City of Kirksville wants to inform residents of a water service line inventory project and a letter they may soon receive, as well as seek their help to complete said project. All water systems across the country are federally mandated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to complete an inventory of water service line materials, both publicly and privately owned, to check for lead. Every public water system is required to identify the primary material of each service line, specifically if it is lead, galvanized, or non-lead (copper or PVC). Currently, the City has not identified any lead service lines in our system and regular testing has not produced any results showing elevated lead levels. However, there are still service lines of unknown material and we will continue working until all are identified. Letters are being sent to properties with unknown service line materials. The City of Kirksville needs help from residents and property owners who receive one of those letters to identify their private service line material. Please complete a short survey on our website at to help us efficiently complete this inventory.

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