Kirksville Arts offering two workshops in April

Kirksville Arts will be offering two workshops on drawing in April. The workshops will be led by Deb Meyers the retired Chair of the Fine Arts Department at Culver Stockton. On April 12th from 1-4 pm, a Beginning Drawing Workshop will be held at the Sue Ross Arts Center. All supplies will be provided. The cost is $35 for KAA members and $40 for non-members. Deb will be teaching basic drawing skills in this workshop, no prior experience is needed. The deadline to sign up for this workshop is April 9th. On April 19th from 1-4 pm a Portrait Drawing Workshop will be held. Participants can bring in a photograph of whoever they would like to draw, this could be a person or an animal all other supplies will be provided. The cost for the second workshop is $35 for KAA members and $40 for non-members. The deadline to sign up for the Portrait Workshop is April 16th. Class sizes for both workshops are limited.