Shakeout is October 17th

The Missouri State Emergency Management Agency resminds, Many recognize the southeast region of the state as Missouri’s Bootheel, but did you know it is also at the center of the New Madrid Seismic Zone – one of the most active earthquake zones in the U.S.? Wherever you are, it’s important to know what to do when the shaking starts! Register for the #ShakeOut to practice with thousands of Missourians on Oct. 17. At 10:17 am (local time) on 10/17, you can join more than a million people across the Central U.S. practicing earthquake safety. While we encourage you to participate with everyone, you can register your ShakeOut drill for any day of the year, and drill at a time of your choice. You can also include people in multiple locations through video conferencing. You can register and learn more by going to