Teen Seriously Injured in Monroe County Crash

A teenager was seriously injured in a crash in Monroe County last Thursday. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol Crash report, the 16-year-old male was travelling east in a small pickup when it ran off the left side of the road and overturned. The pickup came to rest on its wheels. The teen was taken by ambulance to University Hospital in Columbia.

Adair County Case Count Climbs By 16 and Records Another COVID-Related Death

The Adair County Health Department confirmed 16 new cases of COVID-19 yestrerday, the highest one-day total since February 2nd. The Health Department
also confirmed the county’s 23rd COVID-related death, an 84-year-old female who had been at Northeast Regional Medical Center since July 8th. The total case count has now climbed to 2,686 with 67 active cases and 2,596 people who
have left isolation. yesterday’s cases include a 31-year-old male and a 63-year-old female admitted to NRMC Wednesday. Neither are currently on a ventilator. The 63-year-old female is fully vaccinated. Breakthrough cases requiring hospitalization are rare. According to the CDC, 97% of patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 are unvaccinated. The local woman lives with other COVID-positive cases, none of whom are vaccinated.

Possible COVID-19 Exposure from Vacation Bible School in Green City

Attendees of the Vacation Bible School program held by the Green City, Missouri – First Baptist Church, are being asked to monitor for symptoms related to a possible COVID-19 exposure. As part of an ongoing contact investigation, any individual who attended the program from July 11-15, who feels they have been exposed, can call the Sullivan County Health Department at 660-265-4141 to discuss risk assessent.

Truman Announces COVID Guidelines for Fall

Truman State University has announced its COVID-19 guidelines for the upcoming fall semester. Masks are not required, though unvaccinated students, faculty and staff are “strongly advised” to wear them. Anyone who prefers to remain masked can also do so. University officials worked with CDC guidelines and health officials to formulate the plan for fall. According to a recent survey 88.9% of students who responded said they are fully vaccinated. The percentage of faculty and staff responding to the survey who are fully vaccinated is 96.5%. Truman says the high vaccination rates significantly reduce the probability of a significant COVID-19 outbreak on campus.

Covid Advisory Issued for Adair, Macon and Randolph Counties

With COVID-19 cases and hospitalization on the rise, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has issued a “Covid Advisory” for Adair, Macon and Randolph Counties.

DHSS believes the Delta variant is the major cause of the increase. In the past 14 days, there have been 75 new reported cases in Randolph County, 69 in Adair, and 39 in Macon. The department expects the disease to spread northeast from Southwestern and Central Missouri along the U.S. Highway 63 corridor.

The percentage of people that have completed vaccination in Adair County is 33.3%, in Macon County 28.4%, and in Randolph County 24.2%. State health officials say these counties are below the state rate of 40.4%. Experts say at least 70% – 80% of people, depending on the type of variant virus, need immunity to provide the best chance of minimizing spread within a community.

Grant Presentation to Community Opportunities INC.

The Adair County SB40 Developmental Disability Board will be presenting a $45,000
grant in a check presentation ceremony during the regular monthly Board meeting of Community Opportunities, Inc. tomorrow at noon at the workshop located at 1001 S. Osteopathy Ave., Kirksville. The purpose of the grant is to support the Community Opportunities worksite to provide competitive employment opportunities through their various vendor contracts and service programs. This grant is made possible through funds generated from the Adair County tax levy passed by Adair County voters in 2005.

Governor Announces COVID Vaccination Incentive Program

Governor Mike Parson yesterday announced the launch of a statewide COVID-19 vaccination incentive program, MO VIP, to encourage vaccination among all Missourians age 12 and up. Over the next three months, 900 Missourians who have or will choose to be vaccinated will win cash or education savings account prizes in the amount of $10,000. Parson said. “This new program will complement our existing efforts to educate Missourians about the importance of getting the vaccine.

Eleven New Cases of COVID-19 Confirmed in Adair County Including One Reinfection

11 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed yesterday by the Adair County Health Department. Among the new cases is a reinfected 94-year-old female. The health department says reinfection is when a person fully recovers from COVID-19 then subsequently tests positive for the virus again. The female tested positive in late January 2021 and recovered. She has not received any of the current COVID-19 vaccines.

According to the CDC, reinfection is rare because the immune system of an infected individual builds up antibodies to fight the virus. No one is sure how long antibodies last following a COVID-19 infection, although the CDC estimate is up to eight months, based on research performed to date. Because there is no definitive proof of how long antibodies developed in a COVID-positive person remain strong enough to fight the virus, health officials encourage everyone eligible to get a vaccination, get one.

Annual Asphalt Street Program Now Online

The City of #Kirksville’s annual Asphalt Street Program is now online. You can view the annual Asphalt Street Program, as well as information from previous years, on the City website at www.kirksvillecity.com/streetmaintenance. Stay tuned for updates on the Asphalt Street Program as the construction season progresses.
For more information, contact the Public Works Department at 660.627.1291

2 Recognized for Years of Servcie to City of Kirksville

Two peple were recognized for their years of service to the city. During the July 19th City Council Meeting, Kirksville Mayor Zac Burden presented a resolution to Denise Brookhart, Dispatcher, recognizing her upon her retirement after eighteen years and one month of service to the City of Kirksville. Mayor Burden also presented a resolution to Marc Jefferson, Assistant Fire Chief, recognizing him upon his retirement after forty years of service to the City of Kirksville